P.O. Box 3033 Boma Rd, Arusha
0753 999 897

Vunjeni Ukimya

The ELCT health department is implementing Vunjeni ukimya project in four regions of Manyara, Tabora, Shinyanga and Iringa. The implementation of the project is coordinated by the ELCT dioceses In those areas in collaboration with interfaith platforms.

The project is placed under the clinic and community based sexual reproductive health and rights (CCBSRHR) program which is among the programs under ELCT health department. Other programs are Palliative and home based Care, Quality of care and human resource for health.

The project intends to build the capacity of religious leaders to well understand issues of SRHR and GBV and use the platforms and influence they have to change harmful practices and improve access to information, education and services.

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