P.O. Box 3033 Boma Rd, Arusha
0753 999 897


The vision is to have health society with health individuals and communities whereby physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs are met and balanced resulting into peaceful and joyful life.


The department mission is to witness and glorify God through provision of holistic equitable, affordable, accessible and sustainable quality health care services in partnership with community and other stakeholder.


A community with good health contributing effectively to individual and national development and living a peaceful and joyful life.


Coordination, facilitation and capacity building. It involves also facilitation for effective planning and implementation of health services and programs.

Welcome To ELCT health department

The department serves a number of 24 hospitals and 148 lower health facilities all across the country. These facilities are directly owned by the ELCT dioceses and the ELCT health department is there to support the sustainability of health care services in the ELCT health facilities and be a link within and between ELCT health facilities.

More than 90% of ELCT hospitals are located in rural areas where the general access to social services is a main problem. Because of that you can mostly find them to be the only facility available at that area and find the other after miles. 12 hospitals, facilities are in partnership with the Government operating as Council Designated hospitals (CDH), one at the national referral level and 2 at the level of regional referral hospitals. ELCT also has one mental hospital. The remand facilities including the some of the lower health facilities have also signed a service agreement with the Government to provide free services to pregnant women and the under-fives.

Through these health facilities, ELCT contribute 15% of health services provided in Tanzania.

External Partners and Stakeholders: Church of Sweden (CoS), Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Bavaria Church, African Palliative Care association (APCA), Open society initiative of eastern Africa (OSIEA),USAID through PACT Tanzania.

Also; Lutheran World federation (LWF), Lutheran Mission Cooperation (LMC), Global health Ministries (GHM), Global partners in Care (GPIC) and different hospice partnerships.

Internal partners and stakeholders: The Government of Tanzania through MOHCDGEC and PO-RALG,  Christian social services commission (CSSC), Tanzania Palliative Care Association (TPCA), Ocean road Cancer Institute (ORCI) and etc.

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Who are we?

The ELCT health department is one of the departments under the social services and women works directorate of the church. As other organs in the ELCT hq, the department has four main roles which are; coordination, capacity building, Advocacy and facilitation. The department implement these roles in the ELCT health facilities and in different health programs and projects implemented by the department in different places.

Palliative care

This program started officially in 2004 with the support from Evangelical Lutheran church in America (ELCA), then in 2007, the new grant came from USAID under a project called CHAT project scaling up the services to more facilities and after the project phased out the scale up continued to more other facility from 13 to 23 hospitals and 4 lower health facilities providing Palliative care services.


This program is implemented in 22 ELCT hospitals and 5 Lower health facilities. It has main four areas abbreviated FAYMA; Family planning, Youth friendly services, Male involvement and Assessment and management of reproductive health issues including but not limited to cervical cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer and STIs.

Barefoot quality of Care (BFQC):

Barefoot quality is defined by the ELCT health department as quality in the eye of common man. It is designed to strengthen not only the provision of quality health care to the clients but also Christian values and ethics in the provision of care.

Human resource development for health

Shortage of staff in ELCT hospitals is one of the very big challenges faced at the moment. Most of ELCT hospitals are located in remote areas.

Vunjeni Ukimya

The project is placed under the clinic and community based sexual reproductive health and rights (CCBSRHR) program which is among the programs under ELCT health department. Other programs are Palliative and home based Care, Quality of care and human resource for health.


The project aims to easy the access to SRHR information, education and services among adolescents and youth in 10 Districts of Tanzania through 10 ELCT hospitals located in those places. The project will be scaled up to other places upon the availability of funds using the experience gain from the piloted areas.


Department Team

Here at ELCT Health Department we have a wide range of staff who are well qualified and processional from different part across the globe

Dr. Paul Mmbando

Director of the Health Department

I am an ambitious workaholic, but apart from that, pretty simple person.

Mrs Anna Mahenge

Project Manager KKP

Mr. Aloyce Koillah

Advocacy and Project management office

Ms. Nosim Peter

Social Workers

Our Hospital

We offer a variety of Hospital from deferent level.


he Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) was founded in 1971with a mission to provide accessible, affordable, and high quality health care services in Moshi, Tanzania. Serving as the referral hospital for over 15 million people in Northern Tanzania, the staff, students, and visitors encounter a vast array of health topics concerning a large portion of the nation


ALMC strives toward this mission by providing competent and compassionate medical care, by promoting health development in the community, and by proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Hydom Hospital

Haydom Lutheran Hospital (HLH) is located in the Manyara region, 300 km from Arusha. It is among faith based Hospital (FBOs) upgraded to be a referral hospital in the area and serves 7 districts in 4 regions.

Nyakahanga hospital

Nyakahanga Hospital is a designated District hospital (DDH). A faith based organization owned by Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania KARAGWE DIOCESE(ELCT/KAD. It started in 1912 as small dispensary by Germany Missionaries in 1963 when was extended and gained a status as an hospital, and in 1972 worked as District Hospital hospital before becoming a Designated District Hospital (DDH) IN 1992 after signing the contract with Government of united Republic of Tanzania.

Over 100 Years of Experience

Health services delivery by the churches in Tanzania dates back to the pre-colonial era more than 100 years ago. Service levels as well as quality of the services were at a level that was proportionate to the needs and available resources. To a large extent, the resources were foreign, brought in with the coming of Church Missionaries.

0 patients who received care
0 Facility
0 Palliative care patient
0 Clients from RCH

Partners supporting ELCT-Health

Most of projects and programs are funded by different partners. We thank all partners who are supporting our efforts to reach out large number of beneficiaries.

Recent News

Recent from our blog posts

09 June 2021

Male Champion Training

ELCT health department has conducted a training 9-11, June 2021 on male involvement in sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) to 30 church leaders including Bishops, Secretaries Generals, Women, Youth and Men secretaries in 7 dioceses of ELCT; Karagwe, North Western, Mbulu, Mara, Meru, Northen and Northen Central Dioceses. The goal is to establish male champions among church leaders to promote male involvement in SRHR as stakeholders but also beneficiaries of SRHR information, education and services. ELCT Karagwe diocese ELCT Northern Diocese ELCT-North Central Diocese ELCT/North Western Diocese,Bukoba, #ACTChurchofSweden @Norwegian Church Aid - Tanzania

02 June 2021

Male Involvement In Rh Services Iec Development

Men are the very important stakeholders and beneficiaries of reproductive health services although cultures and traditions limit their involvement. ELCT through the Vunja Ukimya project is developing an IEC material that will be used by the health providers in ELCT hospitals and Church leaders to promote Male involvement in reproductive health services. Many thanks to the involved participants and #ACTChurchofSweden

21 April 2021

Vunja Ukimya Stakeholders Meeting

Vunja Ukimya stakeholders meeting in Moshi on Friday 16th April 2021. The meeting invited ELCT Northern and Meru Dioceses, Council health management teams; Hai, Moshi rural and Meru, District education officers for the mentioned regions and ELCT hospitals; Nkoaranga, Machame and Marangu. District teams and plans were developed to support Vunja Ukimya strategies. #vunjaukimya

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