P.O. Box 3033 Boma Rd, Arusha
0753 999 897

Nyakahanga Hospital

Nyakahanga Hospital is a designated District hospital (DDH). A faith-based organization owned by Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania KARAGWE DIOCESE (ELCT/KAD. It started in 1912 as small dispensary by Germany Missionaries in 1963 when was extended and gained a status as an hospital, and in 1972 worked as District Hospital before becoming a Designated District Hospital (DDH) IN 1992 after signing the contract with Government of united Republic of Tanzania.  According to the agreement ELCT- Karagwe Diocese retained District Hospitals, ownership. Like other Designated District Hospital the Government is responsible for the recurrent expenditure and the ELCT Karagwe Diocese as Church being the owner of the hospital is responsible for the capital expenditures.

The hospital has a capacity of 224 beds with 258 staffs of different cadre as per district hospital level or level 1 hospital.

It serves a population around 700,000 of Karagwe


Outpatient Department (OPD), In patient Department (IPD), Obstetrical services, Surgical operations’, Dental Unit, Tuberculosis and leprosy, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry, Antenatal service, Immunization, Family Planning, Laboratory, X-ray Department and Ultra sound, Pharmacy, HIV/AIDS control, Specialized services like Gynecologists’.


The Hospital is headed by the medical officer in charge who is assisted by other leaders like; Hospital secretary, Matron, and the hospital accountant. Sometimes known as (Management committee).

  • Dr. Furaha D. Kahindo
  • Medical Officer in charge
  • Communication: 0767084362

Email: Furahababok@gmail.com


Name Hospital: ELCT – Nyakahanga Designated District Hospital

Email :main –nyakahanga@kad.or,tz

Website: www. Karagwe – diocese.or.tz

Phone Na : 255-28-2223334


Fax : 255-28-2223284

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