P.O. Box 3033 Boma Rd, Arusha
0753 999 897

Marangu Hospital

The Marangu Lutheran Hospital is a faith based Institution belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Northern Diocese (ELCT-ND) in Tanzania. It was established on 1907.It is licensed by the Government of Tanzania and has a valid license NO: REGD 034015, under registration of Voluntary Agency Hospital (V.A.H) in 1997.

Location of Hospital: Marangu Lutheran Hospital is located at Marangu area sub division of Vunjo in Moshi district in Kilimanjaro Region. It can be reached by road from Moshi town at a distance of 45 km.


A model center of excellence in providing accessible, affordable health care services to communities


To provide quality health care services with attitude of love, compassion and faithfulness in coping with ethical practice in proving curative, preventive rehabilitates, promotive and spiritual healing, May God help us.

The hospital has capacity of accommodating 80 beds. Currently it has a sum of 105 staffs. At large hospital depends on user fee for its sustainability

The following are the services provided at Marangu Lutheran hospital: 

  • Outpatient department (OPD)
  • Inpatient department (IPD)
  • Medical clinics
  • Reproductive child health (RCH)
  • Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT)
  • Primary health care (PHC)
  • Surgical clinics
  • Diabetics and hypertension clinics
  • Dental clinics
  • Care and treatment (CTC)for HIV
  • Palliative care and home based care (PC and HBC)

Contact us


Dr. Goodluck Malle

Medical officer in charge.

Phone no: 0719 158 719


    Marangu Lutheran Hospital

Phone no:0759 738 790

Email: marangulutheranhospital@gmail.com

Address: P. O. Box 107, Marangu

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