P.O. Box 3033 Boma Rd, Arusha
0753 999 897

Bunda Hospital

Bunda Designated District Hospital, as the name applies, was decided to have such status, after an agreement between the government of Tanzania (through Ministry of Health and Social Welfare) and the ELCT, Mbulu Synod.  It was inaugurated in 1992; the need to have/establish DDH was based on the fact that the District of Bunda had no district hospital.  After considerations, negotiations and later a compromise, then, ELCT – Mbulu Synod teamed up with Norwegian Lutheran Mission to seek support from NORAD who agreed to construct the hospital with 80% of funds, while 20% donated by NLM.  This agreement was, however, based on understanding that, the Government of Tanzania was to be responsible for the entire recurrent budget for the hospital while the church – Mbulu Synod – to be responsible for development budget.  Later, the ownership of the hospital was transferred to ELCT – Diocese in Mara Region (DMR) after the establishment of the later as a diocese.  Local contribution at district level towards the project was provision of free land, access road, water rights from adjacent Balili Hills, water storage tanks and an airstrip, the latter of which is yet due for completion.  BDDH is one of 20 hospitals owned by ELCT in the country.

BDDH is in the outskirts of the town center of Bunda district south west in Mara Region.  It occupies an area of 5,560m2. It has capacity of 200 beds. Access to the hospital is very convenient through an all-weather tarmac road running from Mwanza to Musoma.  It has a telephone, and an e-mail communication, Electricity supply is from the National grid.  It has 2 sources of water, bore hole which sponsored by Delaware Maryland in America and supply from Lake Victoria about 10km away and hospital has water storage tanks.

 The hospital budget is financed by the government (Salaries, basket fund, other charges), National health insurance fund (NHIF), Community Health Fund, and Cost sharing, House rent, other income (private ward), receipt in kind (Medical stores Department, other friends)

The hospital services Laboratory Investigation, Radiography, Palliative Care, RCH services, In and Out patient, CTC Services, Cervical cancer screening


Dr Pendo Faustine Tafna

Tel. 0768 498 641



0677 002 969/0765 514 466/0685 521 906

web: www.bundahospital.co.tz

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