P.O. Box 3033 Boma Rd, Arusha
0753 999 897


Bumbuli Lutheran Hospital is one of the 24 ELCT Hospital which was established by German Missionaries in 1927. The hospital is owned and governed by North Eastern Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania. It is located at an altitude of 1,500 meters above sea level in Usambara  mountains. It is Bumbuli Village which is 40 km south East of the District Town of  Lushoto, Tanga Region. The weather is more-or-less cool throughout the year, Temperatures drop to 15 and climb to about 25 degrees centigrade respectively during cold and warm seasons. It is linked to the road network of about 833 km out of which 32 km are tarmac, surrounding the Bumbuli area are a thick Mazumbai forest, tea farms, Mponde and Herkulu tea factories all of which are a tourist attraction. The population served by the hospital is around 191,704 people living around and nearby villages in Bumbuli District Council in addition patients come to receive services at Bumbuli Hospital from various areas outside Lushoto District, It is expected that soon the hospital will attain a status of council Designated Hospital (CDH). It has a long history which goes back to as far as 1929 when it was in angulated in 1962-1964 the old hospital buildings were replaced by a three storied building with a capacity of 120 beds. There are 28 Staffs Housing.

Hospital Department and service, A large operating theater. Laboratory, A high standard private ward, Outpatient department, Administration floor and chapel, Reproductive and Child Health (RCH), CTC, Palliative Care, Out Patient Department, Pharmacy (The main pharmacy, outpatient pharmacy and Inpatient pharmacy).

Vision: A leading hospital in Tanzania offering excellent health services with the love and compassion of Christ.

Mission: To offer quality and affordable curative, preventive, primitives and rehabilitative health services with the love and compassion of Christ.

To have adequate and qualified staff according to the Ministry of Health secular in order to offer a good quality services to all our patients.

To motivate staff for the improvement of the hospital services and training at the clinical officers Training center.

To have good managerial skills in order to enhance the quality management of the hospital.

To improve the welfare of the members of staffs of the Hospital.

The hospital entered into services agreement with the government on 1st March 2008 where the founder was GTZ and later GIZ. Our hospital was the first hospital in Tanzania to enter into such an agreement, while the government was in the process of finding sources to finance the PPP, the  GTZ came in first, The areas covered  in the PPP are pregnant mothers and the under five children. The results since the agreement came in place are the reduction in child and mother mortality rate and increase in number of inpatients and outpatient.

The hospital also runs a Palliative Care Program, The program was established in 2006, The operations are funded by the Hospice partner of Boulder Colorado U.S.A.

Other services offered include outpatient department, in patient services, reproductive child health services, HIV/AIDS services, major and minor surgeries, ultrasonography, x-ray services, cervical cancer screening, gender violence services, and hypertensive and diabetic clinics.


Telephone ;0738867925                                

  P. O. Box 11    


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